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Our Projects

Thriving Communities across the Midwest

Wabash, IN

Legacy Site Housing Development

A 55-unit housing development just blocks from downtown. Development designed to fulfill the community housing needs identified in their Housing Strategy, which includes a Market Potential Analysis.


Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership

11-County Housing Strategy

Optimize NE Indiana market potential via sustainable housing production system and linkage to innovative, dynamic, vibrant placemaking.

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Ball State University Indiana Communities Institute

Leadership Training and Capacity Building for Councils of Government

Provide training and tools for leaders from regional organizations to improve service delivery and organizational sustainability.

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Ball State University Bowen Center for Public Affairs

Certified Public Manager Program

Provide public sector leaders with a comprehensive course study on public management theories and best practices.

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Northeast Indiana Permitting Excellence Coalition

Streamlining Permitting Processes on a Regional Level

Collaboration of local jurisdictions across the region for excellence in permitting through consistent and efficient processes.

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New Haven looks into streamlined permitting process

Market potential analysis confirms need for housing

Graham Richards' "Performance is the Best Politics"

Huntington earns permitting honor from NE Indiana Regional Partnership

Wells County honored for participation in Permitting Excellence Coalition

New Haven looks into streamlined permitting process

At his 2018 state-of-the-city address on March 12, New Haven Mayor Terry McDonald made reference to progress the city is making with its permitting processes and plans for their improvement this year.



Market potential analysis confirms need for housing

Local leaders today announced the results of a recently completed market potential analysis showing the significance of the need for workforce attainable housing throughout Kosciusko County.


Huntington earns permitting honor from NE Indiana Regional Partnership

The City of Huntington was honored at a permitting recognition reception Wednesday, Feb. 20, hosted by the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership and HPG Network.



Wells County honored for participation in Permitting Excellence Coalition

Jurisdictions participating in Northeast Indiana's Permitting Excellence Coalition (PEC) were honored at a permitting recognition reception Wednesday, April 18, hosted by the Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership and the HPG Network.

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